Property and Architecture

ECE Architecture

Attracting the best talent to an award-winning architects practice that happens to be based outside London.

How do you attract the best talent in your industry when you’re competing against bigger rivals in London and other trendier locations?

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What we did


Award-winning architects ECE Architecture asked us to help them grow their business by attracting the best young talent to join their team.

It was clear they needed an online presence that not only delivered more of the clients they wanted to work with, but also focused on the careers, culture and social side of life at ECE.

Architects rendering of a new block of apartments


During the planning stage, personas were developed and user journeys mapped out. The two main areas of focus were the project portfolio – to attract more of the projects and clients they want – and the culture of the company, in order to show what a great place ECE is to work.

A flexible content management system was developed so ECE can update the site with new projects and commissions, news stories and new team members as often as they like.

ECE Architecture website viewed on 4 tablet devices in both landscape and portrait modes


Increase in team growth
Increase in traffic

Since launching the site in 2015, ECE has grown from 50 people to over 90, is working on some of the most exciting projects in its history, and has taken its place on the AJ100, the ranking of the 100 best UK architecture firms.

In 2018, the website design was updated to realign with ECE’s current branding and increase focus on the exceptional project photography that’s the real star of the show.

In 2020, a new Culture section was added to the site to further enhance how ECE presented itself as an amazing place to work.

The website’s played a key role in helping us grow by attracting the best people we can, and the investment in the site’s been paid back several times over, just by the savings on recruitment agency fees.Stuart Eatock
MD at ECE Architecture

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