
Meet our Lead Developer – Barry Bloye

Meet our Lead Developer – Barry Bloye
  • Updates

Though he’s been with us for a little while now, we’re very excited to have had the chance to sit down with our Lead Web Developer Barry Bloye to talk about the evolution of development and his career to date. Barry joined us in October 2023 and has helped propel our web design and development […]

How Strong Is Your Brand? – Take our quiz to find out

How Strong Is Your Brand? – Take our quiz to find out
  • Branding

Unlock your brand’s potential with our Brand Strength Questionnaire! Get instant feedback and a personalised report to identify growth opportunities and enhance your marketing efforts. Take the quiz now to start strengthening your brand.

Get to know our Head of Digital Marketing – Glenn Davidson

Get to know our Head of Digital Marketing – Glenn Davidson
  • Updates

We’re delighted to announce we have a new digital marketer on the Tomango team, helping us take our client’s online activity to new levels. Please meet our Digital Marketing Lead, Glenn Davidson. Glenn joined us in March and is already making an impact by elevating the online profiles of our clients, and improving Tomango’s own […]

What are customer personas?

What are customer personas?
  • Discovery
  • Marketing

Discover what customer personas are, why your business needs them, how many you need, the information they should contain and more.

Introducing Google Analytics 4

Introducing Google Analytics 4
  • Updates

What is Google Analytics 4? How will it help businesses? And what do you need to do now? We answer all your questions.

Meet our new web developer – Glen Stanbridge

Meet our new web developer – Glen Stanbridge
  • Updates

We’re very pleased to announce we have a new member of the Tomango team helping us deliver outstanding web design in Sussex. Please meet our new Web Developer, Glen Stanbridge.

Website launch checklist

Website launch checklist
  • Marketing
  • Site Launch

Our essential guide to launching your new website smoothly and successfully – including a downloadable checklist for you to take away and enjoy!

Google Ads – how to tell if you’re being ripped off

Google Ads – how to tell if you’re being ripped off
  • Marketing

There are many fantastic Google Ads agencies out there (including us!) – but there are also some rogues who are out to a make profit at the expense of their customers. In this article we discuss how to spot and avoid potential rip offs.

Sussex brands we love – The Brewhouse Project

Sussex brands we love – The Brewhouse Project
  • Branding

In the first of our ‘Sussex brands we love’ series, we look at The Brewhouse Project in Arundel and how this small, family-run business has got their brand positioning just right.

Thinking inside the box

Thinking inside the box
  • Design
  • Marketing

How we helped Agon Systems to match their marketing to their strategy with a beautifully presented video-in-a-box.

What are brand guidelines?

What are brand guidelines?
  • Branding

We explore brand guidelines – what they are, why they’re important and how to create them.

What’s the point of rebranding?

What’s the point of rebranding?
  • Branding

A successful rebrand can bring competitive advantage, customer loyalty and access to new markets – plus an injection of energy and impetus for you and your people.

What is brand equity?

What is brand equity?
  • Branding

We look at what brand equity is, why it’s important and how to increase it.

3 signs you need to rebrand

3 signs you need to rebrand
  • Branding

In our experience there are certain factors that come together to signal the right time for a rebrand. Find out if they ring true for your business.

Discovery sessions case studies – 6 clients share their stories

Discovery sessions case studies – 6 clients share their stories
  • Discovery

Over the past 12 months, we’ve been privileged to help over twenty businesses establish robust strategies to survive and thrive in these turbulent times, by going through a Discovery session. Here we’ve highlighted the stories of just six of them.

How to make your website faster

How to make your website faster
  • Development

A slow website can be damaging for your user experience and Google ranking. We list 14 ways to make your website faster.

Pantone Colour of the Year 2021

Pantone Colour of the Year 2021
  • Design

Pantone have announced their Colour of the Year for 2021. But what does colour mean for brand identity? And would this year’s colours suit yours?

Coronavirus: Business as usual for Tomango, and we’re here to help

Coronavirus: Business as usual for Tomango, and we’re here to help
  • Updates

It’s hard enough running a business in the best of times, and it’s more so now than ever, with all this disruption and uncertainty. But the team at Tomango want to reassure you that as much as possible it’s business as usual and we’re here to help you however we can.

Clients’ Day

Clients’ Day
  • Clients

With today (19 March) being ‘Clients’ Day’ we thought we would pick out half a dozen of ours, explain what they do, and how Tomango has helped them over the years…

Should you use a marketing agency or freelancer?

Should you use a marketing agency or freelancer?
  • Updates

Over the past year or so I’ve been heavily involved in the project/studio management at Tomango working on various branding, website, and marketing projects. This work requires managing multiple projects, clients, and third parties like freelancers on a daily basis.

Why your website needs an SSL certificate

Why your website needs an SSL certificate
  • Development

In July 2018 Google released a new update to its browser, Google Chrome, that included an interesting change to their search engine results pages (SERPs). It made an SSL Certificate a must-have.

Helping Cade Street Nursery to Grow

Helping Cade Street Nursery to Grow
  • Marketing

Cade Street Nursery is a family business based in Heathfield, East Sussex, and they have been growing plants and flowers there since the 1980s. Here's how we helped them to grow.

How rebranding my business scared the shit out of me

How rebranding my business scared the shit out of me
  • Branding

There are times in your business life when certain things stay the same for a long time, then there are times when massive changes happen. The last twelve months for me has definitely been the latter.

Building Paul the Octopus

Building Paul the Octopus
  • Development

Paul the Octopus is our World Cup predictions game, created in homage to the mystic mollusc.

Tomango site relaunch: Building our JAMstack site

Tomango site relaunch: Building our JAMstack site
  • Development

To represent our change in business approach and new brand, we designed to be confident, clear and quick. Confidence meant stripping away the fluff, leaving only the clearest message possible.

What is Brand Identity and why is it important to my business?

What is Brand Identity and why is it important to my business?
  • Branding

Your brand identity is how you want to portray your business to your customers, and includes how you choose your business name, the design of your logo, the colours and shapes or graphics you use, and the type of language you use (your “tone of voice”).

How to buy design for your business to get maximum ROI

How to buy design for your business to get maximum ROI
  • Design

We know that investing in design is a good thing. Research has shown that for every £1 invested in design, businesses can expect over £20 in increased revenues. But how do you go about buying design?

Tomango is celebrating its 5th birthday!

Tomango is celebrating its 5th birthday!
  • Updates

It’s hard to believe, I know. It seemed like only yesterday we were being welcomed into the world and taking our first tentative steps. But yes, it’s true…Tomango is five years old!

When branding matters – part #316

When branding matters – part #316
  • Branding

Here’s one of my favourite stories about why your branding’s very important to customers - and often in ways you wouldn’t expect.

Our award-winning clients

Our award-winning clients
  • Clients

Within the last few weeks, it seems our clients have been winning awards left, right and centre. Here’s how three of the businesses we work with have been revelling in their success lately.

Top 5 mistakes people make when designing a website

Top 5 mistakes people make when designing a website
  • Design

It amazes me how often I see clients repeatedly making the same mistakes and bad decisions when it comes to designing a website. Here’s my top 5. Make sure you’re not making these mistakes too…

Managing customer expectations

Managing customer expectations
  • Marketing

That’s it. Christmas is ruined. The whole thing’s off. I’m going to go and sit in a corner and sulk for the next two weeks. And all for the sake of some turkey!

What are the features of a good website?

What are the features of a good website?
  • Design

In the latest in my series covering the different aspects of planning your website project, we look at what website features to include on your site, and how to choose what’s best for your business.

The importance of having a digital strategy

The importance of having a digital strategy
  • Marketing

In a previous blog post I explained, and how the landscape for marketers has been under a rapid evolution in recent times with the advent of new technology. With this in mind, it’s a great idea for your company to have a proper digital strategy documented.

How long does it take to rank a new website using SEO?

How long does it take to rank a new website using SEO?
  • Marketing

So you’ve got a brand spanking new website, and you’re now ready to release it out into the wild and start attracting traffic to it. But what should you realistically be expecting in terms of results?

What on earth is ‘dark social’ anyway?

What on earth is ‘dark social’ anyway?
  • Marketing

Research was released last month showing that a gargantuan 77 per cent of content is being shared via ‘dark social’ channels. But as the title suggests, what the heck is ‘dark social’?

What is a User Journey?

What is a User Journey?
  • Design

A user journey is a series of steps (typically 4-12) which represent a scenario in which a user might interact with the thing you are designing. But what are they used for and why?

Big brand impact from a brochure

Big brand impact from a brochure
  • Design

With the new website now live, we continued the brand rollout for the Concept Tag with the creation of a new brochure for Agon Systems.

Why we use InVision

Why we use InVision
  • Design

For the past six months we’ve been using a website called InVision – a prototyping and collaboration tool. The concept is simple – upload the designs, share with the client and they then leave feedback. Before InVision: a long process Before we started using InVision it seemed to be a long process in reaching a final design. […]

3 ridiculously cool things you can do with targeted Facebook Ads

3 ridiculously cool things you can do with targeted Facebook Ads
  • Marketing

It’s something that digital and social media marketers are having to think about more and more. When does personalisation cross over into breach of privacy? People have pumped so much personal information into the digital sphere as social media has become an intrinsic part of their daily lives. Cookies, browsing history, location services – it’s really […]

Why SEO is a bit like cycling

Why SEO is a bit like cycling
  • Marketing

If you break down everything you can think of that goes into riding a bike, and then improve it by 1%, you will get a significant increase when you put them all together.

What type of website do I need?

What type of website do I need?
  • Marketing

In this post, I’m going to walk you through the process I go through with a client in our first planning meeting, and show you how this helps you think about what features you need to include in your new site.

Do I need a new website?

Do I need a new website?
  • Design

How do you know when it’s time for your business to get a new website? Use our guide to help you look for the signs that tell you it’s time to start planning for a new site.

The 6 things a good website must do

The 6 things a good website must do
  • Design

It must be easy to find. It must know who it exists to serve. It must anticipate and address their questions. It must be their guide. It must help them solve their problem. It must provide ways to connect with the people behind the curtain. We explore each of these statements made by Adam Fairhead.

How to speed up your website – SVG

How to speed up your website – SVG
  • Development

Continuing in the ‘How to speed up your website’ series, I’m going to outline the benefits of using SVG to display images. SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics and they’re used to display vector-based images via code.

Three reasons to invest in long-form content

Three reasons to invest in long-form content
  • Marketing

Everyone knows writing content can be challenging, and writing long-form content can be even more so. And whilst it may seem easier to write a series of shorter posts, if done correctly there are numerous benefits to be had from writing a longer piece.

How to create a website design brief – common mistakes to avoid

How to create a website design brief – common mistakes to avoid
  • Design

Creating a website design brief is a vital part of any web project.  By focusing on the aims of the project and who your target audience is, you make sure you stay on track and get an end product that provides a much bigger return on investment (ROI).

Blogging made easy – an idiot’s guide

Blogging made easy – an idiot’s guide
  • Marketing

This blog post is for all you busy bods out there; 6 steps to follow so you can enjoy the benefits of blogging with the minimum amount of effort.

How to write a good blog post – Part 3: Finishing touches

How to write a good blog post – Part 3: Finishing touches
  • Marketing

So - you’ve written the post and added some images and links.  You’re ready to publish, right?  Whoa there, cowboy - hold on just a minute.  There are a few last checks and balances you need to do before you hit the big red button…

Blogging for business – why, when and how you should do it

Blogging for business – why, when and how you should do it
  • Marketing

I get asked about blogs and blogging all the time by prospects and clients.  There appears to still be a wrongly-held perception about what they’re for and how you can best use them to help your business, so I thought I’d write this piece to answer some of those questions.

When is the best time to send your marketing emails?

When is the best time to send your marketing emails?
  • Marketing

Mid-morning to coincide with a coffee break?  Lunchtime? At the end of the afternoon when people are starting to think about going home?  When IS the best time to send your marketing emails?

How to plan a website

How to plan a website
  • Design

If you don’t take the time to plan a website, what it is for and what you are trying to achieve, there’s a really good chance of messing your website up.

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