How your business can nail its brand strategy, win more of the right clients, and come out of this crisis stronger

Branding, Discovery / 01.06.20
Mark Vaesen

For years we’ve been using Discovery sessions to help our clients set a clear brand strategy and prioritise their marketing to get the best return on their investment.

And now, you can take advantage of this expert advice completely free of charge.

Book a Discovery session

After we got through the initial shock of the first few weeks of the Covid-19 pandemic, we started hearing from businesses that were taking the extra time available to them to review their brand strategy and position themselves to come out of the crisis stronger.

Recognising there’s a need for this sort of advice and guidance right now, but also that a lot of businesses don’t have much cash, we’ve teamed up with funding organisations in the region so we can offer the Discovery sessions free of charge.

So, if you think your brand image is holding you back and your marketing’s falling flat as a result, but you don’t know where to start with putting it right, read on.

Who’s it for?

In the current climate, we’ve found businesses interested in the Discovery sessions tend to fall into one of two categories;

1. Those having to adapt

We know that many businesses have been hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic and are having to completely rethink their business model, or adapt their offering.

These businesses need to change their message to their existing target market, or get in front of a new set of customers entirely.

2. Those that are taking the opportunity to review their positioning

These businesses are taking the extra time they’ve got available to review their longer-term brand strategy and have realised that their current brand image is letting them down.

Typically, they’re very good at what they do, have a good reputation, and have a few of their “perfect” customers already and would like to have some more – but they don’t have the right look to attract those customers.

The common issue both sets face is that they realise they need to change their positioning and/or branding – which in turn will make their marketing much more effective – but they don’t know how to go about it.

Does this sound like you?

How a Discovery Session will help your business

The Discovery session helps you figure out…

  1. What you need to put in place to get from where you are now to where you want to be
  2. What to prioritise
  3. Where to go to get it

…all taking into account the budget and resources you have available.

I’d strongly recommend Tomango’s Discovery sessions to anyone wanting to reconsider and reposition their brand in the light of the ‘new normal’.
— Alistair Binks, Albion Languages

How it works

The Discovery session is split into three parts that take place over 3-4 weeks.

In Part 1, we find out as much as we can about the longer-term goals you have for your business.

We ask lots of questions and dig deeper into what you want to achieve and what factors need to be considered.

This needs to involve all the key decision-makers and is usually run as a half-day workshop.

During lockdown we’ve been breaking this down into two 90-minute video calls – we’ve found 3 hours on a single Zoom call is a bit much!

In Part 2, we take away what we’ve learnt in the workshop and, as a team, have a second (virtual) session at Tomango HQ.

We explore what’s needed to get your business from where it is now to where you want it to be and look at the different options available.

During lockdown we’ve done this stage via video call too.

Finally, in Part 3, we present our recommendations to you.

We’ll talk you through them, explaining the logic behind each one and why it will work.

We’ll also give you three costed options so you can see what the necessary investment might look like, to help you decide which one you’d like to go ahead with.

You can then either take this information away and do whatever you want with it (for instance, to get quotes from other suppliers) or – and this is what we hope, of course – you’ll like working with us so much that you’ll want us to carry out the recommendations we can help you with.

Cost – for a limited time, completely free

Usually the Discovery sessions cost £900 + VAT, but some sessions are available fully-funded for businesses that are eligible and fall within the East and West Sussex area.

What to do next

Places are limited, so if you’re interested, in the first instance either give us a call on 01273 814019 for an initial 15-minute chat, or email